Brighton & Hove, Sussex, UK

Corporate Tree Planting & Climate Positive Workforce with Ecologi in 2021

We support responsible tree planting V02

We’ve joined forces with Ecologi to plant trees and help fund some of the best climate crisis solutions in the world. Every month we’ll be planting groves of trees in our company forest. Funding carbon reducing, corporate tree planting projects all over the world, supported by the UN’s Global Goals and Gold Standard certified.

Climate Positive Workforce

Planting trees for a Climate Positive WorkforceThis tree planting activity means that every member of our workforce is now climate positive! We will be offsetting their entire carbon footprint, including emissions from their home, personal travel, holidays, food, hobbies and more.

We’re cultivating a new kind of company legacy. Our forest will grow every month and be visible for employees and customers to see on our public sustainability profile. As part of this project we will be funding the world’s best climate crisis solutions.

We’ve come up with the name of “Time 4 Change Forest” for our woodland, but if you can think of something better let us know in the comments below. If we decide to use your suggestion we’ll also plant a bunch of trees in your name!

Planting Trees & Climate Change

It is now common knowledge that one of the best tools we have to tackle the climate crisis and keep our global temperatures from rising above 1.5°C is to plant trees. Trees also play a crucial role in preventing ecological collapse.

The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation – Science Magazine

If you’re concerned about climate change, what normally comes to mind are things like flying less, eating a plant based diet and recycling more. We want to show the world that we can all contribute significantly beyond our own carbon footprints, by directly funding climate solutions.

Paying to remove carbon from the atmosphere will buy us crucial time, as we endeavour to live our lives more sustainably.

Corporate Tree Planting Organisations

There are enough climate solutions and tree planting organisations out there right now, that if we all supported them, it would undo 30 years of carbon damage by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2.

Ecologi’s tree planting business partner The Eden Reforestation Projects plant millions of trees around the world each month. We are currently supporting their incredible work with Mangrove planting in Madagascar.

Tree Planting for Business

Ecologi created this service to remove the barriers companies face in making great contributions to the climate emergency. They run the platform in a way that totally aligns with that principle. Prioritising impact over profit, running the company completely transparently and employ only the highest standard environmental projects. They publish certificates each month of how many tonnes of CO2e (carbon credits) have been prevented from going into the atmosphere or removed from it.

The majority of the reforestation we support as a business happens in low cost, high impact parts of the world. This way it can be as effective as possible during the climate crisis. However, we have also increased our commitment and funding input, to support a tree planting project here in the UK.

Corporate Tree Planting UK

Just 30 minutes outside Glasgow, deep in the countryside you find Dalry, North Ayrshire where some of our trees will be planted and cared for. Previously stock land, this reforesting project stretches over 430 acres and was once the home to native Scottish wildlife including adders, hares and hedgehogs.

Unfortunately, due to neglect and poor farming, the land has become barren. But with the help of projects like this, the land is starting to take a turn towards a much more healthy state.

The land where our trees will be planted has a rich history behind it and is supported by Scottish Natural Heritage. The project restores land back to health by using methods from agro-forestry including rotational grazing of livestock and recycling forest waste into biochar.

Like many regions across the globe, British wildlife is deeply reliant on forest cover and sadly their number is now declining due to deforestation and the collapse of localised ecosystems. But with projects like this, we have the opportunity to create a thriving home for British wildlife. Healthy forest ecosystems create and conserve soil, stabilise stream flows and water runoff and host a huge array of wildlife.

Other Projects We’re Funding

Supporting Climate Projects

Along with our direct tree planting efforts, through the same platform we are able to support several other Carbon Reduction projects and initiatives around the world.

Delivering Clean Drinking Water to Haiti

In January 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated the country of Haiti. Resulting in an estimated 300,000 deaths and over $8 billion in damage. Since then, millions of people in Haiti still lack clean water and sanitation.

By supporting this project it means we’ll be helping 2,580 families, delivering over 250 million litres of water to their homes.

Wind Energy in Andhra Pradesh, India

Currently, rural India largely relies on coal power plants, which not only emit CObut also contaminate local water sources and cause long term health issues for employees.

Projects like this will help support a quicker transition to a greener energy source. On top of this, the installation of wind turbines create well paid jobs, energy for cheaper, more stable energy prices and quick access to clean water.

Forest Plantation on Degraded Grassland in Uruguay

Located in the heart of Uruguay, this project turns 21,298 hectares of land that has been used for cattle grazing for over 300 years, into sustainable managed forestry. Overseen and validated by the Rainforest Alliance, the project’s initial 60 year lifespan will sequester 7,644,973 tonnes of CO2.

Preserving Prime Brazilian Rainforest

This project area is owned by a large Brazilian timber company that is committed to sustainable timber harvesting on the land. These efforts include harvesting at a reduced rate, replanting native species and protecting rare species such as Mahogany. The long term protection of this area (roughly the size of San Francisco) reduces practises such as clear-cutting which is rife in the locale.

How much does it cost to plant a tree?

From as little as £1.25 a week, you can start growing your own forest and make a real difference in the fight against climate change. Ecologi gives us all a simple way to fund the world’s best climate crisis solutions and reforest the planet. Boosting our impact over and above just limiting the damage we cause everyday.

Species of Trees Planted

Each of the different projects we are funding have their own purpose and in-line with that, we plant carefully selected species of trees that are suited to the location and the intended outcome.

Here are some of the tree species that we’ve been planting in our global forest:

  • Alnus glutinosa (Alder)
  • Betula pubescens (Downy birch)
  • Ceriops tagal (Indian mangrove)
  • Rhizophora mucronata (Asiatic mangrove)
  • Avicennia Marina (White mangrove)
  • Bruguiera gymnoohiza (Oriental mangrove)
  • Acacia nilotica (Gum arabic tree)
  • Adansonia digitata (African baobab)
  • Trichilia emetica (Natal mahogany)

Search Engine That Plants Trees

Another way to plant trees, without paying for them directly, is to use the search engine that plants trees. Make Ecosia your new search engine of choice and plant trees with your web searches – for free!

CO2 Neutral Website

We’re also planting trees to account for the CO2 generated by your visits to our website! We’ve partnered with Tree Nation to make our website carbon neutral.

Buy Websites To Plant Trees

Demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, as part of our #WordPressForWildlife campaign; we will be planting trees with every new WordPress website that we build for our clients.

Feel empowered, challenged and inspired. Join us on this important climate crisis movement. Visit our tree planting forest and go ahead, plant some trees yourself (look for the red “Gift More Impact” button).

Don’t forget, you can always take a look at our CSR page for more about our community and environmental endeavours.