If you are looking for a way of getting to know the critical Website Building Blocks, try this post …
The aim here is for you to gain a better understanding of the different layers that make up your website, from domain name to search engine and all the bits in between.
Know Your Website Building Blocks
Don’t be in the dark about your website. A better grasp on the Building Blocks that make up your website, will empower you to not only get the best deals; having an insight will help you when choosing a dev for your own website.
Website Building Blocks Infographic
The infographic here has been designed to give you a better understanding of the components that make up a website, giving you an insight into each of their functions and how the Website Building Blocks all tie together.
Block #1 Domain Name
This is the address of your website, also known as the URL. It is used to tell internet browsers where your website is hosted e.g. www.consultantsussex.com
Block #2 Hosting
Web hosting is where all the data that makes up your website is stored and made available to the public, your very own little piece of the web.
Block #3 CMS Platform
This is software used to create and maintain your website, a Content Management System, the most popular being WordPress.
Block #4 Themes
WordPress Themes are used within WordPress websites to define the layout and style of your site. There are literally millions to select, choose well and you can really shine.
Block #5 Plugins
Add features and functionality to your website with WordPress plugins; integrating other apps and social media platforms are just some of the possibilities.
Block #6 Search Engines
If people don’t know your domain name they’ll have to use a search engine like Google to find you. Make sure your website is listed.
Make Your Own Infographic
We used Canva to make this infographic about Website Building Blocks. You can use it to make your own infographics too. Follow this link to find out more and other tools for creating great content.
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Founder and strategic mind behind White Rabbit. Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, focused on serving clients with a creative and ethical business model. Digital philanthropist giving time to support charitable groups, projects and organisations; that revolve around the arts, wildlife conservation, local community and heritage crafts.